Ministry Makes Life Meaningful Through Service
This . . . church anniversary [theme] puts before us the need to rethink how Rafting Creek Baptist Church is being called upon to make Christ and his Good News visible for others to see and experience. When driven by a common good, 'Making Life Meaningful through Service' can become an indelible part of the life of our congregation. It shows us as ordinary people doing ordinary things, helping to make life meaningful (The Rev. Melvin Mack, 2018, 154th Church Anniversary).


Deaconesses And Ministers Spouses

Sunday School
Senior Missionary Ministry, 2022


Greeting Committee

Young/Children's Choir

Young Women Auxiliary

Angel Tree Committee
Inspirational Choir

Church Anniversary Steering Committee

Public Relations Committee

“Making Life Meaningful through Service” is bound to happen as we embrace the word of the preacher who said, “Have this mind in you which was in Christ Jesus, who did not think equality with God something to be grasped, but humbled himself . . . becoming a servant” (Philippians 2:5-7).--The Rev. Melvin Mack, 2018, 154th Church Anniversary.
Click here to read the mission statements of some ministries.